
Dr. Jacques Mokhbat Named “Health Champion” by World Health Organization

LAU Chair of Internal Medicine and Clinical Professor was bestowed the honor as part of WHO Lebanon’s 75th anniversary celebration.

By Raissa Batakji

Dr. Mokhbat (C) receives the trophy from Dr. Firas Abiad (L), Minister of Public Health, and Dr. Abdinasir Abubakar (R), WHO representative in Lebanon. (Photo courtesy of WHO Lebanon)

LAU Chair of Internal Medicine and Clinical Professor Jacques Mokhbat was nominated as this year’s “Health Champion” by the World Health Organization (WHO) at a ceremony marking its 75th anniversary in Lebanon and celebrating World Health Day on April 18.

Having been at the national forefront of the battle against COVID-19, Dr. Mokhbat is a “trusted health expert who has represented Lebanon on several WHO committees at the regional and global levels. He has never hesitated to dedicate his time and expertise in addressing significant outbreaks of communicable diseases in the country,” according to a statement issued by WHO Lebanon.

“Dr. Mokhbat’s nationwide role during the pandemic has been nothing short of exemplary,” said Dean of the Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine Sola Aoun Bahous. “His unwavering commitment to patient care and tireless efforts in educating the community about COVID-19 have served as a source of hope and inspiration for all.”

She pointed to how Dr. Mokhbat’s critical insights into the virus’s transmission and effective treatments have helped guide medical and public health professionals, in addition to how his commitment to patient care and advocacy for vulnerable populations “was truly admirable.”

Speaking of the immense value that this accolade brings to LAU’s school of medicine and medical centers, Dr. Bahous highlighted the “outstanding contributions that the faculty extend to the health sector on the national and international stage – a testament to their commitment to excellence in medical education and research, as well as to our dedication to producing highly skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals who will go on to leave an impact on society.”